Social Media Campaign

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Here is how you can participate in this campaign:


  1. On Facebook, change your profile picture to our logo or use our frame.

  2. Publicize our website on your social media and use  #nosanctionsoniran

  3. Tell your story: How have sanctions impacted you or your loved ones, use the hashtag #nosanctionsoniran

  4. Post a short video (less than two minutes) to your social media feed and take a stand against the sanctions, use the hashtag: #nosanctionsoniran

  5. Send us your video so that we can post it on our social media (less than 2 minutes).

  6. Take action today to urge your lawmakers to lift sanctions on Iran. Write to your representatives and/or call them and tell them to lift the sanctions on Iran. Here is a sample letter:

    “My name is XX and I'm a constituent from YY town. I'm calling to ask [Representative/Senator Name Here] to do everything in her/his power to lift the sanctions on Iran. At a time of global pandemic when the world needs to cooperate more than ever to save lives, sanctions have severely undermined humanitarian trade with Iran and act as a policy of collective punishment. As the hardest hit country in the Middle East, Iranians are struggling in a crippled economy to maintain their livelihoods, while suffering from shortages of essential goods like testing kits, medicine and hygienic supplies. Even now there are concerns about Iran’s ability to purchase and secure the Covid-19 vaccine, which should be available to everyone in the world.

    As a constituent, I urge you to join the international calls to lift sanctions on Iran at this challenging time, and return the U.S. to a path of diplomacy.”

    Click here for your representative’s contact information.

We hope that you will join us in this campaign to end the sanctions on Iran.
